Smith, W.K., & Lewis, M.W. (August 2022). Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems. Harvard Business School Publishing.
Smith, W.K., Lewis, M.W., Jarzabkowski, P., & Langley A. 2017. Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Academic Journal Articles
Lewis, M.W. and Smith, W.K. 2022. Navigating Paradox is Paradoxical. Academy of Management Review.
Pradies, C., Tunarosa, A., Lewis, M.W. & Courtois, J. (2020) From vicious to virtuous paradox dynamics: The social-symbolic work of supporting actors. Organization Studies. 42(8) 1241-1263.
Schad, J., Lewis, M.W., & Smith, W.K. 2019. Quo vadis, paradox? Centripetal and centrifugal forces in theory development. Strategic Organization. 17(1): 107-110.
Andriopoulos, Gotsi, M., C., Lewis, M.W., & Ingram. 2018. Turning the sword: How NPD teams cope with front-end tensions. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 35(3): 427-445.
Smith, W.K., Erez, M., Javenpaa, S.L., Lewis, M.W., & Tracey, P. 2017. Adding complexity to theories of paradox, tensions and dualities of innovation and change: Introduction to Organization Studies special issue. 38(4) 303-317.
Miron-Spektor, E., Ingram, A., Keller, J., Smith, W.K., & Lewis, M.W. 2017. Microfoundations of organizational paradox: The problem is how we think about the problem. Academy of Management Journal.
Keller, J. & Lewis, M.W. 2016. Moving towards a geocentric, polycultural theory of organizational paradox. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. 23(4).
Smith, W.K., Lewis, M.W., & Tushman, M.L. 2016. Both/and leadership. Harvard Business Review. 94(5): 62–70.
Schad, J., Lewis, M.W., Raisch, S., & Smith, W.K. 2016. Paradox research in Management Science: Looking back to move forward. The Academy of Management Annals. April: 1-60. Academy of Management Annals Best Paper Award 2017 Runner-up.
Fairhurst, G.T., Smith, W.K., Banghart, S.G., Lewis, M.W., Putnam, L.L. Raisch, S., & Schad, J. 2016. Diverging and Converging: Integrative Insights on a Paradox Meta-perspective. The Academy of Management Annals. 10(1): 1-10.
Ingram, A., Lewis, M.W., Barton, S., & Gartner, W.B. 2015. Paradoxes and innovation in family firms: The role of paradoxical thinking. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Lewis, M.W., & Smith, W.K. 2014. Paradox as a metatheoretical perspective: Sharpening the focus and widening the scope. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 50(2): 127-149.
Smith, W., & Lewis, M.W. 2014. The yin-yang of management. Rotman Management. Fall. 22-28.
Lewis, M.W., Andriopoulos, C., & Smith, W. 2014. Paradoxical leadership to enable strategic agility. California Management Review, Spring, 56/3. One of the Top 10 Cited Articles in CMR in 2016.
Smith, W. & Lewis, M.W. 2012. Leadership skills for managing paradoxes. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 227-231.
Smith, W., Lewis, M.W., & Tushman, M.L. Organizational sustainability: Organization design and senior leadership to enable strategic paradox. Positive Organization Studies Handbook. Chapter 61.
Smith, W. & Lewis, M.W. 2011. Toward a theory of paradox: A dynamic equilibrium model of organizing. Academy of Management Review, 36: 381-403. Academy of Management Review Decade Award 2021.
Knapp, J., Dalziel, T., & Lewis, M.W. 2011. Governing top managers: Board control, social categorization and their unintended consequences on discretionary behaviors. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 19/4: 295-310.
Gotsi, M., Andriopoulos, C., Lewis, M.W., & Ingram, A. 2010. Managing creatives: Paradoxical approaches to identity regulation. Human Relations, 63/6: 781-805.
Andriopoulos, C., & Lewis, M.W. 2010. Managing innovation paradoxes: Ambidexterity lessons from leading product design firms. Long Range Planning. 43: 104-122.
Andriopoulos, C., & Lewis, M.W. 2009. Exploitation-exploration tensions and organizational ambidexterity: Managing paradoxes of innovation. Organization Science, 20: 696-717. INFORMS Best Technology Paper of Organization Science 2009 Runner-up.
Lüscher, L., & Lewis, M.W. 2008. Organizational change and managerial sensemaking: Working through paradox. Academy of Management Journal, 51: 221-240.
Khazanchi, S., Lewis, M.W., & Boyer, K. 2007. Innovation-supportive culture: The case of advanced manufacturing technology. Journal of Operations Management, 25/4, 871-884.
Lüscher, L., Lewis, M.W., & Ingram, A. 2006. The social construction of organizational change paradoxes. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19/4: 491-502.
Sundaramurthy, C., & Lewis M.W. 2003. Paradoxes of governance: Managing control and collaboration. Academy of Management Review, 28: 397-415.
Lewis, M.W., Welsh, A.W., Dehler, G.E., & Green, S.G. 2002. Product development tensions: Exploring contrasting project management styles. Academy of Management Journal, 45: 546-564.
Lewis, M.W., & Kelemen, M. 2002. Multiparadigm inquiry: Exploring organizational pluralism and paradox. Human Relations, 55: 251-275.
Lewis, M.W., & Boyer, K.K. 2002. Factors impacting AMT implementation: An integrative and focused study. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 19: 111-130.
Boyer, K.K., & Lewis, M.W. 2002. Competitive priorities: Investigating the need for trade-offs in operations strategy. Production and Operations Management. 11/1: 9-20.
Dehler, G.E., Welsh, M.A., & Lewis, M.W. 2001. Critical pedagogy in the ‘new paradigm’: Raising complicated understanding in management learning. Management Learning, 32/4: 493-511.
Lewis, M.W. 2000. Exploring paradox: Toward a more comprehensive guide, Academy of Management Review, 25: 760-776. Academy of Management Review Best Paper Award for 2000
Lewis, M.W., & Dehler, G.E. 2000. Learning through paradox: A pedagogical strategy for exploring contradictions and complexity, Journal of Management Education, 24: 708-725. Finalist for Roethlisberger Award – Journal of Management Education Paper of the Year.
Lewis, M.W., & Grimes, A.J. 1999. Metatriangulation: Building theory from multiple paradigms, Academy of Management Review, 24: 672-690.
Lewis, M.W. 1998. Iterative triangulation: A theory development process using existing case studies, Journal of Operations Management, 16: 455-469.
Smith, W.K., & Lewis, M.W. (August 2022 launch). Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems. Harvard Business School Publishing.
Smith, W.K., Lewis, M.W., Jarzabkowski, P., & Langley A. 2017. Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Bednarek, R., Schad, J, Pina Cunha, M. & Smith, W.K. (eds.) 2021. Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Learning from Belief and Science, Volume A. Research for the Sociology of Organizations.
Bednarek, R., Schad, J, Pina Cunha, M. & Smith, W.K. (eds.) 2021. Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression, Volume B. Research for the Sociology of Organizations.
Farjoun, W.K. Smith, A. Langley and H. Tsoukas (eds.) 2017. Perspective on Process Organizational Studies, 8th Volume. Oxford University Press.
Academic Journal Articles
Lewis, M.W. and Smith, W.K. 2022. Navigating Paradox is Paradoxical. Academy of Management Review.
Miron-Spektor, E., Emich K., Argote, L., & Smith, W.K. 2022. Conceiving Opposites Together: Cultivating Paradoxical Frames and Epistemic Motivation Fosters Team Creativity. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes.
Slawinski, N., Winsor, B., Mazutis, D., Schouten, J. W., & Smith, W. K. 2021. Managing the paradoxes of place to foster regeneration. Organization & Environment, 34(4): 595-618.
Smith, W.K. and Besharov. M.L. 2019. Bowing Before Dual Gods: How structured flexibility sustains organizational hybridity. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(1): 1-44. Winner of the 2020 Responsible Research in Management Award; Financial Times Top 100 “Business School Research with Social Impact”; Translated to Chinese
Bednarek, R., Pina Cuhna, M. & Smith, W.K. 2019. Integrative ambidexterity: One Paradoxical Mode of Learning. The Learning Organization. 26(4): 425-437.
Slawinski, N., Winsor, B., Mazutis, D., Schouten, J.W., Smith, W.K. 2019. Organization & Environment,
Schad, J., Lewis, M. W. & Smith, W. K. 2019. Quo vadis, paradox? Centripetal and centrifugal forces in theory development. Strategic Organization, 17(1). 107-119.
Miron-Spektor, E., Ingram, A. S., Keller, J., Smith, W. K., & Lewis, M. W. 2018. Microfoundations of organizational paradox: The problem is how we think about the problem. Academy of Management Journal, 61(1): 26-45.
Smith, W. K., Erez, M., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Lewis, M. W., & Tracey, P. 2017. Adding complexity to theories of paradox, tensions and dualities of innovation and change: Introduction to organization studies special issue on paradox, tensions and dualities of innovation and change. Organization Studies. 38(3-4) 303-317. Introduction to a co-edited special issue. The call for papers for this issue received 106 submissions; the largest number of submissions for a special issue at Organization Studies
Schad, J., Lewis, M.W., Raisch, S., & Smith, W.K. 2016. Paradox research in management science: Looking back to move forward. Academy of Management Annals, 10(1): 5-64. Best Paper Award Runner-Up, Academy of Management Annals, 2017.
Fairhurst, G., Smith, W. K., Banghart, S., Lewis, M. W., Putnam, L., Raisch, S., & Schad, J. 2016. Diverging and converging: Integrating insights on a paradox meta-perspective. Academy of Management Annals, 10(1): 173-182.
Smith, W. K., & Tracey, P. 2016. Institutional complexity and paradox theory: Complementarities of competing demands. Strategic Organization, 14(4): 455-466.
Smith, W.K. 2014. Dynamic Decision Making: A Model of Senior Leaders Managing Strategic Paradoxes. Academy of Management Journal, 57: 1592-1623. #3 Most Viewed Papers on the AMJ Website; December 2014, Best Paper Award, Ivey Business School Institute for Leadership, 2017
Lewis, M.W. and Smith, W.K. 2014. Paradox as a meta-theoretical perspective: Sharpening the focus and widening the scope. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 50(20): 127-149.
Besharov, M. and Smith W.K. 2014. Multiple Logics in Organizations: A Theoretical Integration. Academy of Management Review, 39, 364-381.
Citation of Excellence from Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. Paper recognized as “one of the most highly cited and highly influential papers published in 2014 related to Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics and Marketing”
Lewis, M.W., Andriopoulos, C., & Smith, W.K., 2014. Paradoxical Leadership to Enable Strategic Agility, California Management Review, 56, 58-75. One of the Top 10 Cited Articles in CMR in 2016.
Smith, W.K., Gonin, M., & Besharov, M. 2013. Managing Social-Business Tensions. A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprises. Business Ethics Quarterly. 23 (3):407-442.
Smith, W.K., Besharov, M, Wessels, A., & Chertok, M. 2012. A Paradoxical Leadership Model for Social Entrepreneurs: Challenges, Leadership Skills, and Pedagogical Tools for Managing Social and Commercial Demands. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11: 463-478.
Smith, W.K. and Lewis, M.W. 2012. Leadership Skills for Managing Paradox. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5(2): 232-235.
Smith, W.K. and Lewis, M.W. 2011. Toward a Theory of Paradox: A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Organizing. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 381-403. Winner of the Academy of Management Decade Award 2021 for the most impactful paper across a decade.
Smith, W.K. and Lewis, M.W. 2014. The Yin and Yang of Management. Rotman Management Magazine. Fall 2014, 23-28.
Dobrow, S., Smith, W.K., & Posner, M. 2011. Managing the Grading Paradox: Leveraging the Power of Choice in the Classroom. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2): 261-276. Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, Management and Education Division, 2010
Tushman, M., Smith, W.K., Wood, R., Westerman, G., & O’Reilly, C. 2010. Organizational Design and Innovation Streams. Industrial and Corporate Change. 19:5: 1331-1366.
Smith, W.K., Binns, A., & Tushman, M. 2010. Complex Business Models: Managing Strategic Paradox Simultaneously. Long Range Planning, 43: 448-461.
Smith, W.K. 2009. A Dynamic Approach to Managing Contradictions. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2: 338-343.
Smith, W.K. and Tushman, M. 2005. Managing Strategic Contradictions: A Top Management Team Model for Managing Innovation Streams. Organization Science, 16: 522-536.
Gatignon, H., Tushman, M., Smith, W.K., & Anderson, P. 2002. A Structural Approach to Assessing Innovation: Construct Development of Innovation Locus, Type, and Characteristics. Management Science, 48: 1103-1122.